Marc Chevalier Dreamer of the Year at the LAVA Sunday Beauty Salon January 2014

On the last Sunday of every month , LAVA invites interested people to collect in midtown Los Angeles (noon-2pm), for a freely structured conversational Hair salon including brief discussions and also possibilities to fulfill and also get in touch with each other.

At the January 2014 Hair salon (, Marc Chevalier existed with the 2014 LAVA Dreamer of the Year honor and also provided on his research study right into James Oviatt and also 1920s Los Angeles style merchendizing and also design.

Marc Chevalier on James Oviatt and also the Making From Modern Los Angeles Background: Sign Up With Marc Chevalier, LAVA’s Dreamer of the Year for 2014, as he traces the life of the famous Angeleno, James Oviatt, the male behind the eponymous structure and also apparel shop. The unraveling of this narrative functions as Marc’s individual story of research study, via incorrect leads, stumbling blocks, misconceptions and also unexpectedly wonders, till by discovering the unknown tale of James Oviatt, Marc Chevalier uncovers his very own voice, that of a significant chronicler of shed Los Angeles.

Why aim to James Oviatt, vendor of high end style, very early supporter of the Art Deco, Machiavellian schemer and also daydreamer? Oviatt’s arc is a microcosm of the upwardly mobile in Jazz Age Los Angeles, and also his tale touches virtually every significant element of society and also business in pre-war Los Angeles. His impact is still really felt on the city he left, and also worldwides of style, style, advertising and also design.